Inventory Management

  • Raw Material Item Master
  • Item wise HSN Code Management
  • Item Code & Item Name
  • Minimum Stock Alert
  • Pending Gate Pass Status
  • Pending Vendors Bill
  • Minimum Sales Rate
  • Price List (Item, City, Customer & Quantity)
  • Material Request Slip (MRS)
  • MIS Return
  • BOM (Bill of Material)
  • Challan and GRN (Goods Receive Notes)
  • Gate Pass Returnable Material
  • Finish Good Item Master
  • Inventory Report
  • Stock In-Out Reports
  • Activity Wise Stock Reports
  • All Reports Can Direct Send by Email
  • Stock Valuation Register
  • Stock Summary Report
  • Stock Assign Reports
  • Pending StatementStock Adjustment Facility
  • Pending Packing List
  • Create Packing List
  • Stock Report for Order

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